Venja (4) - The Children of the Forest

Venja (4) - Børnene i skoven

Suspense, adventure and magic for readers from 8 years up. The Children of the Forest is the fourth book in an easy-read series comprising 6 books by the author of award-winning YA series, The Rosenholm Trilogy

Gry Kappel Jensen is the author of the bestselling fantasy series, full of suspense, romance and mysticism.

Venja (4) - The Children of the Forest

Venja (4) - Børnene i skoven

Suspense, adventure and magic for readers from 8 years up. The Children of the Forest is the fourth book in an easy-read series comprising 6 books by the author of award-winning YA series, The Rosenholm Trilogy

Gry Kappel Jensen is the author of the bestselling fantasy series, full of suspense, romance and mysticism.


A small group of children live in the forest. They used to live at the big castle, together with Venja. But then they were hit by a curse.

In the daytime, Rana and the other children take the form of animals, but at night they become children again. Venja has promised to help them, so now she has to break the evil magic. She just doesn’t know how. Together with the boy, Theo, Venja ventures deep into the forest to seek help.

New easy-read fantasy series by Gry Kappel Jensen with illustrations by Andreas Erstling. At the back of each book are fact sheets, as well as a drawing templates, if the reader feels like drawing one of the characters from the book. 

Venja (4) - The Children of the Forest
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Original Language: Danish
Original Publisher: Turbine
Published: November, 2022
115 pages
Category: Children's Books
Sub-category: Middle-Grade
Genre: Easy Read
Themes: Courage, Friendship
Available material: English sample upon request

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World Rights (Babel Bridge)

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Swedish: Nypon