The Little Handbook on how to Handle Difficult Parents

Den lille håndbog om håndtering af vanskelige forældre

"I am soooo tired of listening to parents complaining that their children have entered the teenage phase. What if it was in fact the other way around? That is, not the teenager who has entered a difficult phase, but the parents?"

Nina Lynggaard Jørgensen was fed up with parents complaining about their teenage kids. What if it actually wasn't only the teenager, but in fact also the parents, who were entering a new difficult phase of life? She set out to write a guide for teenagers to help them deal with their parents.

The Little Handbook on how to Handle Difficult Parents

Den lille håndbog om håndtering af vanskelige forældre

"I am soooo tired of listening to parents complaining that their children have entered the teenage phase. What if it was in fact the other way around? That is, not the teenager who has entered a difficult phase, but the parents?"

Nina Lynggaard Jørgensen was fed up with parents complaining about their teenage kids. What if it actually wasn't only the teenager, but in fact also the parents, who were entering a new difficult phase of life? She set out to write a guide for teenagers to help them deal with their parents.


When Nina turned 13, the atmosphere was tense at her house. "No wonder", she was always told - she was now a teenager and would soon enter puberty. The word "teenager" was always used as a kind of swear word to explain anything bad happening. It became a bit of a thorn in her eye and she started to analyse the situation more closely. - And came to the conclusion that her parents were also in a challenging phase of their lives. She came to call this the "Parenty Phase" - a term covering the menopause for the mother and the midlife crisis for the father.

In her book she describes typical everyday situations and the potential for conflict between the generations and she gives tips on how to take the brunt off them: with humour and unfaltering honesty.

Personal note from the author

The Little Handbook on how to Handle Difficult Parents
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Original Language: Danish
Original Publisher: Forlaget Muusmann
Published: October, 2019
95 pages
Category: Children's Books
Sub-category: YA
Genre: Non-fiction
Themes: Growing up, Family
Available material: English sample, Full German translation

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Norwegian: Risk forlag