Sun over Inner City (1)

Sol over indre by og historien om en ilder

The Story about a Ferret is the first book in the series Sun over Inner City about the girl, Sun, who has a mind of her own and a heart of gold. 

Sophie Souid is an award-winning Danish children's book author known for her great humourous writing.

Emilie Rubæk Holm is an experienced freelance artist and illustrator with a Master’s Degree focused on Visual Communication from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts.

Sun over Inner City (1)

Sol over indre by og historien om en ilder

The Story about a Ferret is the first book in the series Sun over Inner City about the girl, Sun, who has a mind of her own and a heart of gold. 

Sophie Souid is an award-winning Danish children's book author known for her great humourous writing.

Emilie Rubæk Holm is an experienced freelance artist and illustrator with a Master’s Degree focused on Visual Communication from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts.


Sun would really like a pet and especially a dog. Mum says that they are not allowed to have pets in their flat. But Sun has the same relationship to rules as she has to the dentist. And new shoes that at too tight… So, if she is not allowed to OWN a dog, then she can just BORROW one… and forget to give it back again. Sun makes a plan and it will no doubt work out woofingly well, because Sun does not stop at anything. It’s one of the things she has from her dad, Donor. 

Sun over Inner City (1)
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Original Language: Danish
Original Publisher: Forlaget Carlsen
Published: November, 2022
40 pages
Category: Children's Books
Genre: Humour
Film Rights: Babel-Bridge
Theatre Rights: Babel-Bridge
Available material: English sample upon request

Territories Handled

World Rights (Babel Bridge)