Loui has a Bad Day

Loui har en øvdag

New picture book series for the youngest about the little dog, Loui.

Jørgen Stamp (b. 1969) is a Danish graphic designer and author/illustrator.

Loui has a Bad Day

Loui har en øvdag

New picture book series for the youngest about the little dog, Loui.

Jørgen Stamp (b. 1969) is a Danish graphic designer and author/illustrator.


Loui's day is off to a bad start. He has slept rather awfully and is in a terrible mood. His friend, Mo, has loads of great ideas for what they can do together, but Loui is up for none of them. Until Mo has an accident and Loui comes to the rescue.

Loui has a Bad Day
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Original Language: Danish
Original Publisher: Forlaget Carlsen
Published: June, 2024
32 pages
Category: Children's Books
Genre: Realism
Available material: English sample upon request

Territories Handled

World except: Danish