Tiny Toot and the Seahorses (1)

Lille Tut og søhestene

The Tiny Toot universe is driven by curiosity and adventure, with an abundance of warmth and understanding for the smallest children. Tiny Toot also exists as a TV series made by Maria Mac Dalland and produced by Toolbox Film (premiere on Danish DR Minisjang in 2024, followed by Finnish YLE, Icelandic RUV, Norwegian NRK, and Swedish SVT).

Maria Mac Dalland is an animation director with a number of animated films and documentaries under her belt.

Tiny Toot and the Seahorses (1)

Lille Tut og søhestene

The Tiny Toot universe is driven by curiosity and adventure, with an abundance of warmth and understanding for the smallest children. Tiny Toot also exists as a TV series made by Maria Mac Dalland and produced by Toolbox Film (premiere on Danish DR Minisjang in 2024, followed by Finnish YLE, Icelandic RUV, Norwegian NRK, and Swedish SVT).

Maria Mac Dalland is an animation director with a number of animated films and documentaries under her belt.


Come on a journey with Tiny Toot, Gato and Nisse! Tiny Toot is a small girl who lives together with her brother, mum and dad, and her cat, Gato. In Tiny Toot's room, there is a mouse hole in the wall and her small friend, Nisse, lives in there. Nisse has a ecolicoptor, a flying walnut shell, and he is able to shrink Tiny Toot and Gato, so they can come with him on adventures everywhere. Only imagination sets the boundaries.

In this first book, Tiny Toot, Gato and Nisse go on an adventure in Nisse's ecolicoptor. They land at the bottom of the sea where they meet a very busy seahorse father. He has just given birth to hundreds of small seahorse babies, and they are cold: because it takes quite some time to get them all dressed. Luckily, Nisse has brought his bag along and it is full of useful bits and bobs...

With illustrations by Maria Mac Dalland, Edda Hrönn and Sofie Louise Dam.


Tiny Toot and the Seahorses (1)
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Original Language: Danish
Original Publisher: Forlaget Carlsen
Published: May, 2023
40 pages
Category: Children's Books
Genre: Fantasy
Available material: English sample

Territories Handled

World except: Danish