Kiss Karlsson's Neck

Kyss Karlsson i Nacken

Kiss Karlsson’s Neck is another wonderful novel in true Brunk Holmqvist spirit.

Winner of the prestigious Piratenpriset 2021, Karin Brunk Holmqvist is one of Sweden's most loved authors, her books are all written with heart and humour and with the important message that it is never too late to change your life.

Kiss Karlsson's Neck

Kyss Karlsson i Nacken

Kiss Karlsson’s Neck is another wonderful novel in true Brunk Holmqvist spirit.

Winner of the prestigious Piratenpriset 2021, Karin Brunk Holmqvist is one of Sweden's most loved authors, her books are all written with heart and humour and with the important message that it is never too late to change your life.


They are an odd bunch, those who live along Cuckoo Road outside Vitaby in Österlen, Sweden. Actually, that’s not the real name of the road, but it’s an adequate one if you ask the sisters Blenda and Johanna Nilsdotter, who have lived here all their lives. They follow everything that happens outside closely from behind their lace curtain and eagerly discuss what the neighbours are up to.

These days there is enough to keep track of, because at the home of the arrogant Louise, panties disappear from the clothesline, Göte is having a thing with Hjördis, unusual leaf frogs jump around in the biologist Helmer's garden and there are rumors that the municipality intends to dig up the road and maybe even the plots along it.

The quiet lukewarmness of Cuckoo Road is heading towards chaos, and the neighbours do not intend to let it happen. They put their differences to the side and gather to find a solution. The municipality should not think that they can go ahead and do whatever they want in the village.

Yes, “Kiss Karlsson’s Neck”, as Blenda Nilsdotter usually says.


"Karin Brunk Holmqvist is a master at creating a universe in the small, at lighting the candle of the provinces, at seeing the simple in the complex and at teasing out the strengths of people and letting their weaknesses wither." – (Kvällsstunden)

Kiss Karlsson's Neck
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Original Language: Swedish
Original Publisher: Bokfabriken
Published: August, 2021
263 pages
Category: Adult Fiction
Genre: Feel-good

Territories Handled

World Rights (Babel Bridge)

Territories Sold

Norwegian: Vigmostad & Bjørke