
It goes straight to your heart! Mette Klint's simple, honest depiction of two young people who have left their old lives behind and meet coincidentally on a train in Europe. A Danish YA take on the movie, Before Sunrise.

Author of beautifully coined coming-of-age novel, full of nostalgia for the times when we could travel freely...


It goes straight to your heart! Mette Klint's simple, honest depiction of two young people who have left their old lives behind and meet coincidentally on a train in Europe. A Danish YA take on the movie, Before Sunrise.

Author of beautifully coined coming-of-age novel, full of nostalgia for the times when we could travel freely...


Junuz is leaving a turbulent year behind him; a year where he has got himself into life-threatening situations and destroyed relationships. He jumps on a train with an interrail ticket, nurturing a vague plan to seek out his father's roots on the Balkan.

Helena is crying after having parted with her boyfriend on the station platform. She is heading off to Italy to spend time with her Italian family for a month. But is it really an excuse to get away from the stifling life she has created for herself?

In the train, Junuz and Helena's seat reservations are right opposite each other and all she wants to do is disappear into the novel she has brought along. But then Junuz starts asking questions, annoying questions...

Interrail is a youth novel about courage, moral and ethics - about daring to take a chance to do something you believe in. Topics such as human trafficking and the war in Kosovo are intertwined with more classic youth book themes, such as identity, responsibility, love and family.

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Original Language: Danish
Original Publisher: Vild Maskine
Published: June, 2019
229 pages
Category: Children's Books
Sub-category: YA
Genre: Realism
Available material: Sample translation in English.

Territories Handled

World Rights (Babel Bridge)