Space: the Book of Records

Rummets rekordbog

The 100 wildest, incredible and unfathomable phenomena from space, explained so they become accessible by science journalist, who turns it into a fun activity to educate yourself. 

Lars Henrik Aagaard is a science journalist at daily newspaper, Berlingske Tidende, and author of several popular books about science.

Space: the Book of Records

Rummets rekordbog

The 100 wildest, incredible and unfathomable phenomena from space, explained so they become accessible by science journalist, who turns it into a fun activity to educate yourself. 

Lars Henrik Aagaard is a science journalist at daily newspaper, Berlingske Tidende, and author of several popular books about science.


A golf ball shot on the moon and the world’s biggest floating landfill. Those are some of the craziest things man has done in space.

You can read about it in Space: the Book of Records where you will find out about the highest, most dangerous, heaviest, quickest and weirdest records made in space. 

Did you e.g. know that if you took all the sand from all the beaches in the whole world and collected them in one pile, there would still be more stars in the universe than there are sand grains? Or that you currently move 100.000 km/h because of Earth's rotation around the Sun and around itself? Or that it rains with gasoline on Saturn's moon, Titan?

A fun and entertaining non-fiction book, suitable for independent reading from 10 years up.


"Entertaining and educating non-fiction book about space. It is full of amazing photos and told in a flowing and accessible language. The book will get many readers, both among children and their parents." – (Danish Library Centre)

"... entertaining and exciting knowledge about space. The author succeeds in making complex content accessible and leaving the reader wiser and with a thoughtful humbleness." – (Berlingske Tidende)

Space: the Book of Records
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Original Language: Danish
Original Publisher: Forlaget Carlsen
Published: November, 2022
240 pages
Category: Children's Books
Sub-category: Non-Fiction
Available material: English sample upon request.

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World Rights (Babel Bridge)