Magnus and Mini

Magnus og Mini

A lovely colourful picture book about sibling rivalry - part of a series about the little boy, Magnus.

Siri Melchior has already proved that her illustration style travels, her books having been published in Germany and Spain.

Magnus and Mini

Magnus og Mini

A lovely colourful picture book about sibling rivalry - part of a series about the little boy, Magnus.

Siri Melchior has already proved that her illustration style travels, her books having been published in Germany and Spain.


Magnus’ little sister, Mini, always follows his every move. She always wants to be with him and she copies him all the time.

If he plays football, she also wants to play. If he is playing with his cars, she also wants to play. And always exactly with the same car as him.

“No, it’s mine!”, he shouts.

“Magnus”, his dad says, “you’re the big one. You have to share”.

But one day grandma helps Magnus find a solution.

Magnus and Mini
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Original Language: Danish
Original Publisher: Gads Forlag
Published: August, 2020
26 pages
Category: Children's Books
Genre: Realism
Available material: English sample of another book in the series exists.

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