Emil gets dressed

Emil tager tøj på

A new board book series by Inger Tobiasen - with small recognizable stories for the youngest children.

Inger Tobiasen is one of the best-known Danish illustrators of children’s books – with her recognisable style, she catches the sentiments of children beautifully and she has provided artwork for many books, also by other authors.

Emil gets dressed

Emil tager tøj på

A new board book series by Inger Tobiasen - with small recognizable stories for the youngest children.

Inger Tobiasen is one of the best-known Danish illustrators of children’s books – with her recognisable style, she catches the sentiments of children beautifully and she has provided artwork for many books, also by other authors.


Emil gets dressed by himself. First his boxer shorts. And t-shirt. Then pants and sweatshirt. Then, he is ready to go out.

This is a robust board book series made for small, eager hands. The books are ideal for language training and vocabulary enhancement. The series also include Emil is hungry, Emil in sun and rain and Emil's painting book.

Emil gets dressed
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Original Language: Danish
Original Publisher: Turbine
Published: December, 2021
20 pages
Category: Children's Books
Genre: Realism
Available material: English sample

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